The Akaviri forces surrendered to the Emperor after discovering that he was the fabled Dragonborn, and were offered amnesty to fight for the Empire.

Tamriel was invaded by the Tsaesci, but the invasion was halted by Reman I and his armies. The first specific encounter and written record occurred in 1E 2703. A mythical story states that a great hero once rode on the back of a dragon, forcing it to slay an army of Akaviri slave traders. The history of Akavir mostly involves legends and tales of battles between armies of Akavir and Tamriel. Sky Haven Temple, an ancient Akaviri temple located in Skyrim.

Thanks for reading, share your ideas, or maybe go on with mine, thanks.History File:Sky Haven Temple - Blades HQ.png The Ka Po' Tun of Akavir fled to Tamriel in this case and evolved to become Khajiit, and conquering a small part of Tamriel now known as Elsweyr. Two certain parts of ancient Elsweyr were in war long ago, they split apart and became two different legions, then a part of the Khajiits fled and discovered Akavir, thus becoming Ka Po' Tun, like in the first theory. The ancient khajiits fled to Akavir sometime in the Merethic era, when everything and everyone was evolving, and therefore evolved themselves over the years, became a completely different race. She talks about the Ka Po' Tun, "The cat-folk of Akavir are very same to us.language, looks and culture." Does that mean the Khajiit and Ka Po' Tun are relatives from the same family species? Here are my theories:

But they do seem to speak the same language, if you come across Sadari'r'mei in the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind, she lived in the city of Ebonheart. The Ka Po' Tun are much more buff, they are basically lions compared to a house-hold cat. But one part has caught me off guard, the Ka Po' Tun, the cat-folk of Akavir, they are not Khajiit, however they do share similarities. Their ancient rituals, symbols and culture. However my real assumptions about these so called 'cat folk' are true possibilities, i'm very fond of the lore surrounding Akavir. This may seem very similar to a post you've seen about the Tsaesci, (Snake People Of Akavir).